What is Erin’s Law?
Erin's law is the first law to ensure children that attend public schools are taught body safety education. This law has been passed in 38 states and on its way in being passed in the remainder of the 50 states.

Talking to Your Preschooler about Body Safety
How to teach your preschooler about body safety is an on going conversation with your child. Parents can also begin with a Parent Handbook that may outline things like code of conduct, allergies, and their child abuse prevention policies.

Talking to Your Toddler About Body Safety
Mom survivors can begin to teach toddlers about body safety.

Listening to A Mother’s Intuition
A mother's intuition may be very useful in helping prevent her child in becoming another statistic. The prevention of child abuse is being consistent and normalizing the idea of teaching your child about boundaries as well as consent.

Safety Strategies to Prevent Child Abuse
Parents can prevent their child from becoming another statistic.

Red Flags: Identifying a Perpetrator’s Grooming Behaviors
Red Flags: Perpetrator’s Grooming Behaviors

Body Safety Education Part 3: Consent
Parents need to practice using the word “consent” & educate their child on Body Safety Education.

Body Safety Education Part 2: Body Autonomy
Teaching Body Autonomy to your child will significantly decrease the chances of your child becoming a victim of child sexual abuse. Perpetrators look for children that are unaware of their body rights and they prey on vulnerable families this way.

Body Safety Education: Part 1 Boundaries
Having clear and healthy boundaries as a parent prevents childhood sexual abuse.

The Business of Staying Busy for Moms
Connection with your child can signify embracing the fast paced life but also knowing how to slow down.

The Day After Mother’s Day
Matrescense-the profound transition from woman to mother that impacts her in all the ways (physically, emotionally, socially, etc.) and lasts her whole life long.

Harriet Tubman was a Cycle Breaker
Harriet Tubman is an expedition leader, spy, survivor, and historical figure of a cycle breaker.