Community Involvement
Online Trauma Sensitive Yoga Group
A monthly online class tailored to survivors of trauma.
We are social beings that thrive when we connect. We learn from each other. We carry trauma in our bodies and this type of yoga can help us slow down and attune to the internal messages of our bodies. Trauma sensitive yoga enables us to get into the right part of our brain where emotions are stored and we can witness where exactly in our bodies we are storing our trauma.
My values are that every woman can be healthy at every age and size. I believe in accepting your body as whatever it is at the moment. We are taught to criticize or think we need to change our bodies. We can begin accepting our bodies by accepting what they are saying to us. Trauma sensitive yoga gives us choices about how we move our bodies for that one moment in time. The language I use always invites modifications of the yoga pose and the choice to try whatever your body needs.
Presentations and Workshops
I offer workshops for groups that want to learn about Mindfulness. Understanding how we connect our mind to our body, and what that means in the present moment. This awareness can lead to an increase in productivity, help with morale, and promotes overall happiness.
Many people have never heard of EMDR (Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing) Therapy and the variety of ways people can benefit from it. I offer informational workshops on how various vulnerable populations can easily access it with a trained therapist. Brain research has brought us so much understanding of how we can heal.
Trauma-sensitive therapy is very different from the mainstream yoga studio classes. My classes cater to women and mothers focusing on the language that is used.
Journal writing is a way to manage feelings that can be painful. I give specific journal prompts that address what emotions you may be struggling with and a focus on understanding the full breadth of experiences and depth of your feelings.